Tooth Extractions & Oral Surgery in Greenwood, IN

Tooth Extractions in Greenwood, IN

Though our goal is to save all the teeth we can, we know that ultimately there may be some cases where teeth need to be removed. If your tooth is non-restorable, we will recommend an extraction. Our goal is to remove the tooth while keeping you as comfortable as possible!

Dr. Savabi does both simple and surgical extractions in office; however, there are times that we may refer you to an oral surgeon if necessary.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 21. These teeth may not always need to be removed, but for a majority of people they do! If not removed, wisdom teeth can crowd the mouth, resorb other teeth, form cysts, and cause other dental problems in the future. Dentists prefer to remove wisdom teeth before they have the chance to cause you issues.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If a wisdom tooth is impacted it is hindered from emerging from the gums, resulting in abnormal development. Signs of impacted wisdom teeth are:

  • Tender, swollen, and bleeding gums
  • Pain, stiffness, and swelling in jaw
  • Bad breath
  • Difficulty opening mouth

Impaction can also cause injury to adjacent teeth. The x-ray above shows an impacted wisdom tooth encroaching upon an anterior molar, causing bone loss.

Incorrect Growth

In contrast to impacted wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth protruding from the gums take up too much space in the mouth. Before wisdom teeth, there are usually 28 teeth in the mouth. However, if you acquire all 4 wisdom teeth, you will have a total of 32 teeth. Though some people can accommodate 32 teeth, most cannot, and they will feel discomfort and pain when the teeth come in. Due to their size, wisdom teeth overcrowd the mouth and no procedure can make them fit- not even braces.

The Wisdom Tooth Removal Process

Your dentist will decide whether or not to remove your wisdom teeth after completing an exam. Depending on your comfort level and how problematic your wisdom teeth are, the dentist may use either general sedation or local anesthesia on you. In some cases, your dentist might refer you to an oral surgeon to extract wisdom teeth.

Alveoloplasty & Tori Removal

Some patients getting either a partial or complete denture may need to have bone contoured in order to ensure proper fit. The procedure of making the bone smooth is known as alveoloplasty.

Tori are bony projections that occur on the roof of the mouth and around the mandible. Tori are normal bony growths and are not usually removed, except for when they may interfere with placement of a denture.

Post-Operative Care Following Tooth Extractions

  • Keep the gauze pad placed over the surgical area. Replace gauze every 30-60 minutes as needed.
  • Take your prescribed pain medication as soon as you begin to feel discomfort. For mild discomfort, use Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), if you don’t have an allergy or medical condition that prevents you from taking Ibuprofen.
  • Do not suck on a straw, spit, or smoke.
  • Place ice packs on the side of your face where the surgery was performed.
  • Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing and touching the affected area. Do not rinse your mouth for the first post-operative day or while there is still bleeding. After the first day, use a warm salt water rinse every 4 hours and after meals to flush out particles of food and debris that may lodge in this area.

Dry Socket

Dry sockets are when a blood clot does not properly form in an extraction site. In order to prevent a dry socket, it is recommended that a patient not use a straw or smoke for 48 hours after an extraction to prevent a clot from being dislodged. If you suspect you have a dry socket, please give us a call!

Need a tooth extraction or oral surgery in Greenwood, IN? Call our office today to schedule an appointment.